Dream Foundry’s Flights of Foundry Con 2020 was really when I found my people – it was my first ever SFF (Science Fiction and Fantasy) Convention and I attended as a panelist. It was a blast! I think I’m actually rather fortunate to have been initiated into cons through the Covid-19 virtual con scene. It’s actually perfect for me since I get to sit in my nice safe house by myself and entertain people from my room. I love traveling, but huge groups of people and the stress of going to a hotel in a strange city seems rather overwhelming, not to mention potentially unsafe sometimes, and I also just don’t have the funds to travel for the sake of a convention alone.
I got so much out of the con – I met other fellow nerds and fans, I got to share my book and the other work I was doing, like the short stories and my exhibition piece in the Singapore ArtScience museum, and I learned about filk!
So it is my great pleasure to announce I will be Guest of Honor at the second ever FoF Con – 2021! I’ll be translation GOH, and I hope to expand the idea of translation to beyond language-to-language through some activities, workshops and panels as well as a talk. Hope to see you there! Get involved with Dream Foundry here.